Favouritism – Featured Story #10

In “Favouritism,” a story from our Featured Short Stories series by the Creative Writing Club, 10-year-old Chinwendu narrates the tale of sibling rivalry and jealousy. Victoria struggles with acting, overshadowed by her sister Valerie’s prowess. After a dramatic fallout and a risky runaway attempt, familial misunderstandings are resolved, demonstrating the siblings’ equal worth and unique talents. This story, penned with youthful insight, reflects on acceptance and personal growth amidst familial expectations.

The Brutal Betrayal – Featured Story #9

The Creative Writing Club presents a story of friendship and betrayal by 11-year-old Lolade. The narrative follows Nora’s emotional journey as her best friend Ben moves away, her family suffers financial hardship, and their reunion is soured by his new and cruel girlfriend Ruby. As they rekindle their friendship and Ben reveals his mother’s illness, Nora confronts her feelings of betrayal. Through adversity, Nora maintains her grades and resilience, buoyed by her father’s support, while ultimately discovering Ben’s true feelings for her.

The club encourages young writers to join and express their creativity.

The Bag of Money – Featured Story #1

We are starting a new series, Featured Short Stories, written by students in the Creative Writing Club. Every week, the students in the club work on writing stories, sometimes from their own ideas, and sometimes from story prompts. This week, we are featuring a story written from the following prompt: Write a story about a group […]

“What we seek is seeking us”

I recently got an email from a client who was interested in my Creative Writing Workshop for Children, and in that email, she made this statement, “What we seek is seeking us”. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard it or come across similar concepts, but this time, the truth of that statement struck me.

Summer Creative Writing Workshops (Gbagada)

It’s been another busy couple of weeks here @ Accomplish Press. The holiday writing clubs in Lagos are still ongoing! We’ve just concluded the two-week Creative Writing session with the children at the Gbagada Workshop. The children have had a great time, writing both fiction stories and non-fiction essays during the workshop. And there were […]

What You Seek Is Seeking You

Hello scribes! Welcome to the beautiful (and if you’re in Lagos, a very rainy) month of June! I hope the month has started on a great note for you. Can you believe we’re almost rounding up the first half of the year? Already! When they say time flies, it certainly is true. I recently got […]

It’s a Great Time to be a Writer

It’s a Great Time to Be a Writer (and Even Better, a Self-Published One) Writing a book, and becoming a published author is a great thing. It comes with many benefits, from a self-improvement point of view, from a personal growth or business point of view. Writing a book makes sense whether you write fiction […]