It’s a Great Time to Be a Writer (and Even Better, a Self-Published One)

Write a very good book
Try to find a literary agent that will represent you
If you’re lucky, you get an agent, and he or she tries to sell the rights to your book to traditional publishers
If you’re really lucky, a traditional publisher likes your work, and pays you a sum of money to take your manuscript and publish it
If you’re really, really lucky, your book gets published on average, within two years, and your publisher gives it a good marketing campaign
If you’re extremely lucky, retailers will buy copies of your book from the publisher, and display it on their book store shelves.
Now if you’re among the luckiest people in the world, your book goes on to make huge sales, you earn back your advance, and even get some more royalties.

Complete creative control over your work – you choose your title, you control your cover images, etc.
Control over your prices – you can choose a price, change your mind and set price offers whenever you want
Control over when you publish, and what formats – you hold all your rights, and you can decide when and how to exploit them
Greater engagement with readers – your readers can find you easily, they don’t have to write to a publishing house address
Transparency over your royalties – you know and you can easily track all your earnings
Speed of the publishing process – you can go from manuscript to published in a few months, compared to years with traditional publishing.
Freedom to write what you want, without taking orders from a publisher looking at the “market trends”
A supportive independent publishing community
The satisfaction of managing your own writing career, from beginning to end.
New authors who are just coming to the end of the writing process and considering self-publishing their book
Authors who have tried self-publishing, but ended up choosing the wrong process and making costly mistakes
Authors who have had some of their old rights revert back to them, and want to self-publish their backlist.
If this sounds like you, then this is the perfect solution you need. I will show you how to publish your book on Amazon and other retailers, whether you want to publish an ebook, print book, or both. I will help you with positioning your book to attract the best audience, and help you make money from book sales. I will help you avoid the scams, pitfalls and mistakes that new writers fall into. At the end of the course, you will be armed with the right knowledge to publish your books in future, without going through middlemen. Find out more about the 30 Days Self-Publishing Course here.
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