Books Published by Accomplish Press

Everything and Nothing book cover

Book Title: Everything and Nothing

Author: Ola Ademola-Adesanoye

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Formats: Ebook and paperback

Available from: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and most online retailers. Readers in Nigeria can download the ebook from Okadabooks and Bambooks.

Book Description Bibi and Ken are from two different worlds – geographically and culturally.

Young and passionate Bibi yearns to live dangerously. She was raised in an affluent and well-connected family and has been sheltered for most of her life. When she meets and falls in love with Ken, Bibi is convinced that love conquers all.

Ken, on the other hand, is a realist who desires stability. He was raised in a modest home and is quite well-travelled through his work as a missionary. When he meets and falls in love with Bibi, Ken begins to wonder if love really conquers all.

When their love is tested through doubt, grief, judgement, shame, stigma, and an unexpected diagnosis, Bibi and Ken will question whether their shared passions and faith are enough to bridge their differences. Differences that seem so small but have great impacts and consequences.

Book Cover Image

Book Title: Amaka in New York

Author: Olachi Okoroafor

Genre: Children’s fiction

Recommended reading age: 7 – 12-year-olds

Formats: Ebook and paperback

Available from: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and most online retailers. Readers in Nigeria can download the ebook from Okadabooks.

Book Description: Amaka is on the move from Lagos to New York. Amaka hopes to make new friends, but she encounters bullies at school who make her school days miserable. She has to overcome challenges with fitting in and being different because of her skin color, her hair, and her accent. Will she return to Lagos, or would she be able to stand up for herself?

About the Author: Olachi Okoroafor is ten years old. She loves reading and writing. She lives in California with her mom, dad, and three siblings. Amaka in New York is her first book.

Memoirs of a Lagos Wedding Planner by Tolulope PopoolaBook Title: Memoirs of a Lagos Wedding Planner

Author: Tolulope Popoola

Genre: Flash fiction; short stories

Format: Ebook

Book Description: Memoirs of a Lagos Wedding Planner is a collection of ten flash fiction stories written by Africa’s Flash Fiction Queen, Tolulope Popoola.
Flash Fiction is the term used to describe really short stories and this collection written by Tolulope Popoola is an excellent compilation of flash fiction stories with a Nigerian flavour. Memoirs of a Lagos Wedding Planner is a collection of flash fiction that takes you behind the scenes of the weddings you attend or hear about in Lagos. Meet the wedding party through the eyes of their planner – from the reluctant groom, to the crazy in-laws, to the unfaithful bride and much more. It’s bound to make you gasp, laugh and cringe!

Available from: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Booktopia, Smashwords, Kobo, Okadabooks, Bambooks, and other retailers.

Melodies of Love Book Cover

Book Title: Melodies of Love

Author: Amaka Azie

Genre: Contemporary romance

Formats: Paperback and Ebook

Book Description: After her teenage romance with now popular music star, Aristar, ended in a disastrous heartbreak twelve years ago, Adaora finds herself thrust back into his life when her financial firm is employed to organise Aristar’s finances. She has a fortress built around her heart and finds it hard to trust. Can she forget the bitter past and allow love to find her once again, or is the past enough to shatter her dreams of happily ever after forever?

Ikenna, one of Nigeria’s highest paid musicians, is finally at the top of his game. He has fame, more money that he could ever dream of, and the life he has always wanted. He seems to have it all, but something is missing. In spite of all the women who throw themselves at him, the one person he can’t seem to forget is Adaora. He has manipulated events to bring her back into his life, but will he be able to convince her to give them another chance, or will the bitterness of the past destroy their chance at happiness?

Where to buy:  Amazon UK (Paperback), Amazon UK (Kindle)
Amazon US (Paperback), Amazon US (Kindle)
Smashwords and Okadabooks

Book Title: Looking For Something – Collection of Flash Fiction

Author: Tolulope Popoola

Genre: Flash fiction; Short stories

Format: Ebook

Book Description: Another collection of interesting, witty and exciting flash fiction stories written by Africa’s flash fiction queen, Tolulope Popoola. This collection includes stories with twists and turns that you will not see coming! If you enjoyed reading her first collection, “Fertile Imagination” you’re going to love this one too. This collection features themes such as fatherhood, grief, relationships, betrayal, domestic abuse, friendship and more! Each story is short and straight to the point. Perfect if you enjoy reading short, punchy stories.

The collection is now available to purchase from Amazon US, Amazon UK and Smashwords.

Finding my voice ebookBook Title: Finding My Voice: A Collection of Poems

Author: Taj Onigbanjo

Format: Ebook

Genre: Poetry

Book Description: Finding My Voice is a collection of poems about one man’s journey to fulfilling a lifelong dream to share his thoughts, views, and skewed vision of life with the world. And to be heard. The collection covers a vast array of topics, both real and imagined, and is the end result of the author finding his feet, beating his own drum and dancing to the tune of his own beat.

Available from: Amazon UK, Amazon US, Smashwords and other online retailers.

Book Title: Nothing Comes Close

Author: Tolulope Popoola

Genre: Contemporary romance

Formats: Paperback and Ebook

Book Description: Confident, sassy, career girl, Lola meets cool, handsome, unpredictable hunk, Wole at a party in London. He pushes all the right buttons for her, and sparks fly. Wole is also irresistibly drawn to Lola, and before long, they get together in a wonderful romance. But Wole is not all that he seems, and he is holding back some dark secrets. Things start to unravel when Wole’s past begins to catch up with him and Lola has to decide if Wole is worth the trouble that threatens to overwhelm her. Find out in this captivating book if their love will overcome the trials of a murder investigation, an arrest, a meddling relative and a trip halfway across the world, or whether they both give up and go their separate ways.

 Click here to find out more about Nothing Comes Close

Book Title: Fertile Imagination (Flash Fiction Collection)

Author: Tolulope Popoola

Genre: Flash fiction; short stories

Format: Ebook

Book Description: Fertile Imagination: A Collection of 12 Flash Fiction Stories is a collection of twelve flash fiction stories written by Tolulope Popoola. It includes themes of love, loss, surprise, humour death, abuse and lots more. Each story is less than 500 words, but nevertheless, they still pack a punch and deliver enough twists and suspense to leave you wanting more! This is bite-sized fiction at its best, perfect if you have little time for reading long books.

The collection is now available to purchase from Amazon US , Amazon UK and Smashwords

Book Title: The Broken Hedge (A Collection of Short Stories)

Author: Jessica Ochuwa Abubakar

Genre: Short stories; General fiction

Formats: Paperback and Ebook

Book Description: “The Broken Hedge” is a collection of four powerful, emotional stories that touch on the struggles of living, loving and being. In “Waiting”, a young man watches helplessly from the sidelines as someone he deeply cares about destroys her life with of bad choices. In “Repercussions”, a woman in an abusive marriage has a hard choice to make. In “The Broken Hedge”, an underappreciated husband seeks fulfilment in forbidden places. In “Broda Azaya” a long lost sibling helps his sister deal with loss.

Available from: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and other retailers.

A Miracle for DaddyBook Title: A Miracle for Daddy

Author: Sunny Jack Obande

Genre: Children’s fiction

Formats: Paperback and Ebook

Book Description: It is Otseme’s seventh birthday and he is happily waiting for Daddy to return from work. He is excited because daddy promised to take him, his sister and their Mummy to have fun at the amusement park. But everything takes a dramatic turn when the family gets the sad news that Daddy was hit by a car on his way home. In haste, Mummy has to go and be with Daddy at the hospital, so Auntie Rose comes to help look after Otseme and his sister. But will the children be happy in Auntie Rose’s company? Will Daddy survive the accident? Will he be able to fulfill his promise to Otseme? And who is the mysterious man that promises Otseme a miracle?

Click here to find out more about A Miracle for Daddy

The Immigrant by Tundun AdeyemoBook Title: The Immigrant: A Collection of Poems and Reflections

Author: Tundun Adeyemo

Genre: Poetry

Formats: Ebook

Book Description: A collection of emotionally heartfelt poems and reflections, about a girl who left her friends, loves , family and home town behind, to search for a new life abroad. The poems evoke themes of sadness, loneliness, adjusting to a new life, pleasant and unpleasant surprises as well as other issues that will be familiar to anyone who has had to travel and live beyond their country’s borders. Tundun Adeyemo documents in poetry sprinkled with humour and satire her journey from Lagos, Nigeria to the land of the Queen. She describes the drama of settling in, fitting in, adjusting and coping with all the stresses associated with the life of an immigrant.

Click here to find out more about The Immigrant: Poems and Reflections

Outspoken Book Tundun AdeyemoBook Title: Outspoken: The Book (A Collection of Articles)

Author: Tundun Adeyemo

Genre: Non-fiction

Format: Ebook

Book Description: These articles are a collection of Tundun Adeyemo’s best work from her regular column titled ‘Reflections’ with the Nigerian weekly magazine TELL. She has been writing the column for four years and has thoroughly researched each topic. This collection covers a wide variety of issues, ranging from religion, sex, love, relationships and marriage, travel, forgiveness, domestic violence, motherhood and parenting, to online dating, prostitution and many more.

Click here to find out more about Outspoken: The Book

Golden Pot of ProverbsBook Title: Golden Pot of Proverbs

Author: Grace Ikirimat

Genre: Poetry

Format: Ebook

Book Description: This book is an interesting and detailed collection of over 10,000 proverbs and wise sayings from all over the world and across different cultures including China, Africa, America, and Europe. The collection has been put together by Grace Ikirimat. She was inspired by her father’s love of proverbs, and he loved them because they have facilitated carrying on cultures and traditions from generation to generation. Proverbs are very much a part of almost every culture, as such, it is important that they be preserved through the continuous sharing and passing on to younger generations.

The collection is available to purchase now from Amazon US, Amazon UK and Smashwords.

The Bait by Chibuzo ObimdikeBook Title: The Bait

Author: Chibuzo Obimdike

Genre: Contemporary fiction

Formats: Ebook

Book Description: When Donald, a crafty bank-teller, decides to woo Anne at his workplace, he didn’t notice the danger lurking under Anne’s charm. He was deceived by her irresistible guise, which was a planned means to bring them closer and primarily play into the hands of his adversory. Before he realised what was happening to him, a great damage had already been done. But who was this masked face in the shadows trailing him? What offence has he committed to be marked by his assailant? Find out more in this thrilling and suspense-filled story.

The novella is available to purchase now from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Testimonial -
I reached out to Tolu to help in developing my daughter's creative writing skills. Tolu was very professional and supportive. My daughter enjoys the classes and this has further increased her interest in writing. I would definitely recommend the club to others.

- Ogechi Okelu

Testimonial -

Tolu came highly recommended for her teaching style by a close friend. Signing up my daughter for the creative writing club four years ago has been a wise decision and investment. The classes creates an environment for the children to express themselves, be imaginative and creative. These classes with Tolu have really developed my daughter's writing ability and vocabulary, but most of all her confidence. I highly recommend Tolu expertise and cannot wait for her to bring out the best in my son as well.

- Christiana Ugowe
