This week’s Featured Short Story, “The Lost Boy,” follows a young boy named Eddy, who gets separated from his family while camping. He meets a talking fox named Ella, who helps him find his way back. Together, they navigate challenges, ultimately reuniting with Eddy’s family, who decide to adopt Ella.
Writing Topic: Plot or Not?
✍🏽Hello Scribes! Today I’m asking, do you have a plot outline before you start writing? Or do you just start as soon as inspiration strikes, and see where the story leads you? 🤔 I think it depends on your personal preference, but also on the type of story you’re writing. If you’re writing […]
Summer Creative Writing Workshops (Gbagada)
It’s been another busy couple of weeks here @ Accomplish Press. The holiday writing clubs in Lagos are still ongoing! We’ve just concluded the two-week Creative Writing session with the children at the Gbagada Workshop. The children have had a great time, writing both fiction stories and non-fiction essays during the workshop. And there were […]