A Wonderful Christmas Adventure – Featured Story #4

We are sharing the next story in our series, Featured Short Stories, written by students in the Creative Writing Club. Every week, the students in the club work on writing stories, sometimes from their own ideas, and sometimes from story prompts. For the next few days, we will be sharing stories with a Christmas theme. So […]

The Dinnertime Disaster – Featured Story #3

We are sharing the next story in our new series, Featured Short Stories, written by students in the Creative Writing Club. Every week, the students in the club work on writing stories, sometimes from their own ideas, and sometimes from story prompts. This week, we are featuring a story written from the following prompt: Write a story about […]

Angelina the Dragon – Featured Story #2

We are sharing the next story in our new series, Featured Short Stories, written by students in the Creative Writing Club. Every week, the students in the club work on writing stories, sometimes from their own ideas, and sometimes from story prompts. This week, we are featuring a story written from the following prompt: Write a […]

The Bag of Money – Featured Story #1

We are starting a new series, Featured Short Stories, written by students in the Creative Writing Club. Every week, the students in the club work on writing stories, sometimes from their own ideas, and sometimes from story prompts. This week, we are featuring a story written from the following prompt: Write a story about a group […]

We won an award! “Most Innovative Creative Writing Club”

Our Creative Writing Club has been named the “Most Innovative Creative Writing Club – East London” in the Greater London Enterprise Awards 2022.

Interview with Olachi Okoroafor – Author of “Amaka in New York”

We’re featuring an interview with ten-year old Olachi Okoroafor, who has just published her debut novel, “Amaka in New York”. This is so exciting, as she’s our youngest author ever! Read on to find out more about her and read her thoughts on writing and publishing.

Ten-Year-Old Author launches Debut Novel, “Amaka in New York”

Accomplish Press is pleased to announce the official publication of “Amaka in New York”, a debut novel by 10-year-old author, Olachi Okoroafor.

Summer Creative Writing Workshops (Gbagada)

It’s been another busy couple of weeks here @ Accomplish Press. The holiday writing clubs in Lagos are still ongoing! We’ve just concluded the two-week Creative Writing session with the children at the Gbagada Workshop. The children have had a great time, writing both fiction stories and non-fiction essays during the workshop. And there were […]