New Titles from Accomplish Press Accomplish Press is very proud to announce that we will soon be releasing two new awesome titles! We’ve been working with these two ladies over the past few months, and we’re sure you’ll love their work. We can’t wait to share them with you! “Thorns and Roses” by Amaka […]
Coming soon! Two New Titles from Accomplish Press
Filed Under: Books, News Tagged With: Accomplish Press, Amaka Azie, authors, books, coming soon, cover reveal, creative writing, ebooks, editing, Jessica Ochuwa, manuscripts, novel, novelist, publishing, romance, short stories, writers
What Genre Are You Writing?

What Genre Are You Writing? Romance, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Thriller? If someone was to ask you about your current work-in-progress and ask specifically, “what genre is it?” would you know how to respond? When deciding which genre to write in, most new writers start with the one they’re most familiar with, and the one they enjoy […]
Filed Under: Help & Advice Tagged With: aspiring author, coaching, fiction, genres, horror, literary, mystery, novel, novelist, publishing, romance, thriller, writer, writing