Essay – My Christmas Holiday – Featured Essays #1

Happy New Year! Welcome back to Creative Writing Club! I hope you all had a lovely time over the Christmas and New Year holidays, and you are excited to start the new year.

At the start of each term, the students write an essay on how they spent their last holiday. This week, we are sharing one of the essays from our first lesson of the term.

This essay was written by Chinwendu, aged 10. Enjoy!

My Christmas Holiday

For the holidays, my family drove down to Bristol to celebrate Christmas with our extended family. We left on Sunday at around 3pm and arrived at 6pm. Since it was Christmas Eve, our cousins, me and my brother went to my auntie’s apartment to make Christmas cake.  One was chocolate, and the other was a fruit cake.

The next day, after church, I joined one of the girls to prepare Christmas dinner. We were told to cut the vegetables for the salad. We did this while listening to music, although we got told off for singing too loud. When we were finished, it was time to eat. The meal consisted of turkey, rice, carrots and brussels sprouts, pigs in blankets, and roast potatoes.

On Boxing Day, we had a barbecue. Another family was visiting us for the day too. My mum and aunty brought some extra snacks: chicken nuggets, samosas, and spring rolls. We ate chicken and hot dogs with ketchup and barbecue sauce. When the visitors had left, it was time to open our Christmas gifts. I received three wrapped gifts, and all had clothes in them. Each from a different family member.

On Wednesday, we went to ZazaBazzar, and all-you-can-eat buffet. As a starter, I had chips, chicken nuggets, and bacon chunks with ketchup. There were glasses of lemonade, Pepsi, and Fanta and I drank some of each. For my main meal, I had spaghetti bolognaise, which was delicious! For dessert, I had marshmallows, dipped in chocolate fountain, apricot coated in strawberry syrup and some jelly. My second dessert was a second helping of jelly, more apricots, and an ice cream, which was swirled (almost) perfectly. When we left, we took a few photos outside the restaurant.

The next day, our cousins, my brother, my mum and I were travelling to Bath to see a few friends. The journey would take about half an hour. On the way, we played a game called ‘Game of Concentration’ which turned out to be really funny. When we arrived, we were welcomed inside and after sitting around for a while, decided to play some football. Then it was time to eat. For lunch, we had jollof rice with plantain and beef. I was so good that I had a second serving. We ate while watching YouTube on TV. We played Game of Concentration again on the way back home, and this time it was twice as funny.

On Friday, my cousin and I decided to play a game where we told a story one word at a time. It was a story about a prince and a princess. My cousin’s sister ended up joining in and after that, the story didn’t make sense at all – it was hilarious! Then, as I had taken it out on Wednesday, my aunty made my hair, which took ages, and we finished at around 11pm.

Saturday was a day where we just relaxed indoors. We didn’t really do anything, but since we were leaving the next day, my family stayed the night at my aunt’s apartment. The next morning, we woke up early to get ready for church. After mass, we went back to our cousins’ house to collect anything we had forgotten the previous day. When we had collected our things, we set off.

It was only when we got home that I realised that I missed my cousins, and we had only just left! Because we have a family prayer meeting every Sunday (my Mum’s side of the family,) I would see my cousins then. After the meeting, we called them to just say hi.

Our trip to Bristol was great, and I can’t wait to go again.

If you have a child who loves writing stories (and essays!) and you want to encourage them to explore their creativity and their imagination, then we would love to have them join our writing club! Just click on the link to register, and we will be in touch. Creative Writing Club – Registration Form.


  1. i’v been searching for and essay as good as dis now i’v seen it
    it’s so wonderful see students and I struggle to get this essay
    it is a take away

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