Conquer your obstacles, and accomplish your writing and publishing goals

Write to Win – Go from Idea to Published Book!

This is a 6-month One-to-One Intensive Coaching Programme for writers who want to write their books and learn how to get published.

You will get my full support for six months, taking you from the idea stage, through your first draft, and till the end of the writing, rewriting editing and publishing process.

Hello writer. You know you have a book in you, and you want to bring it out and share it with the world.

It’s always been your desire and dream to become an accomplished writer, even a published author.

Lately, you’ve been thinking about it. Maybe you’ve even written down a few thoughts and ideas. But – you’rWriter thinkinge not sure how to proceed. You’re probably feeling overwhelmed with the process. You’re wondering if you can write something that other people will want to read. You’re struggling with self-doubts and the fear of failure. You’re not sure if you can write a short story, much less a whole book. Maybe you’re so busy and you don’t think you have the time. Sometimes, writing feels so daunting, that you bury the thoughts and procrastinate on achieving your dream.

If this sounds like you, don’t worry you’re not alone! Many aspiring authors feel this way too. A lot of people want to write, but they feel like they don’t have the right support, the right information and the right accountability to move them forward.

What if I told you….?

  • instead of feeling overwhelmed, you can actually start writing your book with confidence?Writing with confidence
  • writing your book doesn’t have to take many years?
  • you can have focused writing sessions, and you can make progress, even if you only had a few hours a week?
  • you can beat procrastination and the temptation to avoid writing because it’s hard?
  • you can overcome self-doubt and fear of criticism?
  • you can say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to everyday inspiration?
  • you can learn everything you need to know about self-publishing your book?

Does that sound interesting to you?

That’s why I’m here. I can help you get clarity on your writing goals, give you the right support, feedback and encouragement, so that you can finish writing your stories, and publish them. I can teach you everything you need to know about publishing your book.

Who am I?

Tolulope Popoola - Publisher, Consultant and Writing Coach

Hi! My name is Tolulope Popoola and I’m a Writing Coach and Publishing Consultant at Accomplish Press. I help aspiring authors to overcome their obstacles, clear their doubts and reconnect with their creative side, so that they can finally write and publish the book within them! I also help with structuring and publishing manuscripts after they’re done. I’ve been writing since I can remember, from when I was a little girl, about six years old. But I got teased in school by my friends who thought I was weird, so I stopped. However, I never lost my love for reading and I read anything I could get my hands on. I also continued to write in secret. I kept diaries and journals throughout my teen years, and writing was my therapy whenever I was upset.

Much later, I left school, went off to university and went down the path of Accounting and Finance in my career. One day in the middle of studying for professional accounting exams, I realised I was miserable! I started thinking about my long-term career path and I soon realised that I was not making use of my creative skills and doing the things I was passionate about. In 2006, I discovered blogging and my creativity and interest in writing was rekindled! From then on, I started writing short stories and flash fiction, and learning everything I could about the writing and publishing industry. I took a writing class, I bought lots of books on writing, subscribed to many writer’s groups and started attending literary events. I made a lot of mistakes and learned from them, until finally, in 2008 I quit my job as an accountant to become a full-time writer.

In 2009, I wrote my first novel (which was never published). In 2011, I finished working on my other novel titled Nothing Comes Close which was a spin-off from the series. I tried to get it published traditionally, but I faced rejection from mainstream publishers. Not because my work was bad, but because they thought it was “ethnic fiction” and therefore wasn’t commercially viable.

So I decided to do things my own way, and I founded Accomplish Press which is my publishing, consulting and coaching company. I published my novel successfully in 2012, and it got good reviews so I’m sure I did something right. In addition, I’ve recently published two collections of flash fiction stories; Fertile Imagination and Looking For Something. My writing has also opened many doors for me that I never imagined, including my stories being turned into short films. I’m now on a mission to help other writers like you to write and publish their own novels too.

I know what it’s like to struggle with writing ideas and not know how to put them together. I used to lie awake at night, wishing I had a magic wand that would just magically transfer the stories in my head onto paper and publish them!

But I didn’t stay there and continue to dream. I decided that I had to take action to achieve my dreams. It wasn’t easy, I made mistakes, but I started to learn. And with the right support, you can accomplish your writing and publishing goals too.

WriterIf you don’t take action now, where would you be in a year’s time?

Still struggling? ….. Still dealing with doubts and confusion?…..

Still procrastinating?….. Still feeling unfulfilled because you’re not expressing your creative talents?…..

Still burying your potential?….. Still depriving the world of your unique contribution?…..

Still feeling jealous of other people who write their own books and get published?…..

Still vaguely wishing, “I want to write my book someday.”? …..

Still missing out on all the potential benefits of writing a book – such as the respect of family and friends, feedback from readers who absolutely connected to your story, book sales, recognition and other doors your writing will open for you, like films and speaking opportunities….

You’ll never know what could happen, unless you take action!

This Intensive Coaching Programme is for you if:

–  you are an aspiring author who wants to start taking writing seriously

–  you are tired of feeling overwhelmed with the writing process

–  you are tired of procrastinating with your writing goals

–  you are ready to be inspired and confident enough to overcome any challenges

–  you are motivated to put the required effort into working on your craft

–  you will cut out some of the distractions in your life, to achieve your writing goals

–  you are keen to share your unique writing talents with the world

–  you are ready to receive the help and advice you need to achieve your goals

–  you are ready to take the first step to becoming a successful author

–  you are no longer in the excuses zone – you will do this!

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The key aspect of this one-to-one coaching is support and accountability. If you’re trying to write on your own, there will be days when you get discouraged, overwhelmed or tempted to quit. Sometimes, you may get distracted, start making excuses and slack off. And chances are, the longer you slack off, the harder it is to pick up from where you left off.

Happy writerIf however, you sign up for coaching with me, you’ll get lessons and tips to move you forward. You’ll get feedback on the progress that you’ve made so far, and encouraging ideas to help you move past your doubts. You’ll get writing prompts and exercises to keep your words flowing and break through writer’s block. You’ll get advice to help you discover your own writing voice and potential. You’ll get support and helpful weekly targets to help you stay on track. By the end of our coaching time, you’ll realise that you were able to do achieve your writing goals and not only that, you actually enjoyed writing! In addition, you’ll get support from me through the editing and rewriting process, and advice on your publishing options.

Here’s what you’ll get from the Coaching Programme:

Advice and Coaching on Writing Your Book:

  • 2 weekly live Skype coaching sessions with me
  • Worksheets and guidance notes
  • Weekly assignments to keep you focused and moving forward
  • Accountability and support every step of the way
  • Unlimited email communication with me
  • Weekly reviews of your work-in progress
  • Feedback to help you improve
  • Bonus: My private Facebook group where you can connect with other awesome writers

Advice and coaching on the following steps to becoming published:

  • advice on rewriting and editing your manuscript
  • choosing which publishing method is best for you
  • professional self-publishing consultation (if you choose to self-publish)
  • professional coaching on setting up your author platform and using social media
  • how to format your book, get an ISBN, and set up POD and Ebook Publishing Accounts
  • how to market your book successfully to your chosen target audience

Coaching Page 03Everyone knows that you can read books to gain information, you can attend lectures, you can try to do it yourself.

But there’s no substitute to a living, breathing person working with you to achieve your goals.

Sign up now and get personal one-to-one support to help you accomplish your writing goals.



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Instalment plans are available for this coaching package. You can choose to pay in two instalments of $2599, or three instalments of $1699. If you need a different instalment plan, please ask during your discovery session.

  • Just imagine how awesome it would feel to finally start writing the book you’ve always wantedTyping "the end" with ease.

  • Now imagine how amazing it would feel to type “The End” when you finish your manuscript!

  • Visualise how wonderful it would be when your manuscript is published and you become a published author!

  • Think about the mind-blowing, incredible moment when you’re finally holding your very own book in your hands….

Start that journey now. Take the decision. Your book will not materialise by thinking about it, wishing it, or dreaming it. You have to commit to it, and make it happen. Sign up for this coaching programme to give you all the tools and strategies that you need to get started today.

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Have more questions?

If you would like to speak to me, please book a complimentary 15-minute discovery session to discuss any questions you may have about my one-to-one coaching for writers and I will be happy to discuss with you.

Testimonial -
I reached out to Tolu to help in developing my daughter's creative writing skills. Tolu was very professional and supportive. My daughter enjoys the classes and this has further increased her interest in writing. I would definitely recommend the club to others.

- Ogechi Okelu

Testimonial -

Tolu came highly recommended for her teaching style by a close friend. Signing up my daughter for the creative writing club four years ago has been a wise decision and investment. The classes creates an environment for the children to express themselves, be imaginative and creative. These classes with Tolu have really developed my daughter's writing ability and vocabulary, but most of all her confidence. I highly recommend Tolu expertise and cannot wait for her to bring out the best in my son as well.

- Christiana Ugowe
